Wednesday, September 8, 2010


Well folks, what can I say?  Life is going along ticketty-boo....nothing really note-worthy, or blog-worthy for that matter.  However, in honour of my little love starting grade 1 (gasp...) here are some thoughts from the mind of Q.

Q on grade one...

"All day?  We have to go to school ALL.DAY.LONG????  Don't they know we're just kids???"


"What are you going to do while I'm in school?  Just wait outside the door for me?"


"When am I going to get a break from school?"  (after the first day...which was an hour long...)

or...(and how could I forget this one?!?!?!)

"How 'bout if I just skip school until grade 8?"

Q on Mommy writing a book...

"Why do you think other people would want to read your book?   Are you just going to take it places and say, 'Do you want to buy my book for $10?'"


"Why don't you just download it and then print it off?"

Q on being annoying...

me:  Q, can you please stop doing that?  It's getting really annoying...

Q:  Well, you better get used to it...

me: Oh, why is that?

Q:  'Cause I'm gonna be doing it a lot!!!

ahhhhhh, the kid is hilarious...what can I say!!!

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